Natural Health Remedies for You

Natural Insomnia Home Remedies

Natural insomnia home remedies such as herbs, aromatherapy, vitamins and minerals are safe and effective ways to help you get to sleep.

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by having trouble falling or staying asleep. It's one of the most common medical complaints.

It is unavoidable and perfectly normal that we cannot sleep well from time to time, but chronic insomnia is another story. Not only will it affect our performance and productivity, chronic insomnia suppresses the immune system and leads to other disorders such as depression, chronic fatigue, headaches, and heart disease.

Exactly how much sleep is enough varies from person to person. However, studies related to mental function show that most adults need eight hours of sleep every night.

Symptoms of Insomnia

  • Difficulty falling asleep at night
  • Awakening during the night
  • Awakening too early
  • Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep
  • Feeling fatigue or sleepy during day time
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty paying attention or focusing on tasks


Causes of Insomnia

There are a lot of possible factors that can cause insomnia, such as:

  • Stress and anxiety: These are the most common causes of insomnia. Stressful events such as strained relationships, work-related stress, and even day-to-day concerns can lead to insomnia.
  • Depression: If you are depressed, you will either sleep a lot or cannot sleep. One theory for this is related to chemical imbalances in your brain. Or you may simply worry about things too much and that keeps you from relaxing enough to fall asleep.
  • Sleep Apnea: About five percent of adults suffer from this condition, in which a person stops breathing repeatedly during the night, causing the person to wake up to catch his/her breath. This leads to a drop in the blood's oxygen and severe sleep deprivation.
  • Health Problems: Health problems that cause chronic pain, breathing difficulties or frequent urination can also cause insomnia. Examples of some such health problems are arthritis, asthma, cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, restless leg syndrome, overactive thyroid, stroke.
  • Aging: As we get older, we may develop sleeping disorders such as insomnia. This may be caused by a change in sleep patterns, a change in activity level, a change in hormonal levels, or a change in health conditions.
  • Stimulants: Stimulants such as caffeine, decongestants, and thyroid medications can cause insomnia.


Natural Insomnia Home Remedies

Many people try to get OTC sleeping aids for their insomnia. Unfortunately, many such sleeping aids contain antihistamines that can make you feel drowsy but can also reduce the quality of your sleep. In addition, these drugs cause a lot of side effects, such as dry mouth, blurred vision, and depression. Long-term use of such insomnia drugs can also be addictive.

A better, safer, and gentler alternative is the use of natural insomnia home remedies. Herbs, aromatherapy, homeopathy, vitamins and minerals can help you overcome insomnia so you can get a good night sleep.

However, if your insomnia is chronic and the use of natural insomnia home remedies cannot solve your sleeping problem, be sure to consult with your doctor to see if there are other underlying health problems that may be causing the insomnia.


Natural Insomnia Home Remedies - Herbs

There are several herbs that can make excellent insomnia home remedies. The good thing about using herbal remedies for insomnia is, they do not make you feel groggy the next day.

  • Valerian: One compound in Valerian depresses the central nervous system. It has the same effect as that of the sedative barbiturate phenobarbital without the side effects.
  • Chamomile: This herb is effective in relaxing the nervous system; it relieves pain and insomnia.
  • Passionflower: Passionflower is a great sleep aid and is particularly helpful when tight muscles or an overactive mind disturb your sleep.
  • Saint-John's-wort: This herb is widely used to treat depression. However, it is also a nerve tonic that helps regulate disturbed sleep patterns. It adjusts brain chemistry and promotes serotonin production, which is responsible for inducing sleep and relaxation.
  • Hops: Hops is a nervine. It acts directly on the central nervous system, and takes effect in 20 to 40 minutes when taken as a tea or tincture or in pills.

For synergistic effects, you can combine half a teaspoon each of the tinctures of valerian, hops, passionflower and chamomile, and take the mixture about 30 minutes before bed.


Natural Insomnia Home Remedies - Vitamins and Minerals

Take the following supplements if you suffer from insomnia:

  • Calcium / Magnesium: These two minerals help to relax the nervous system. Some doctors suggest a daily dosage of 500 mg of calcium and 250 mg of magnesium, to be taken in the evening.
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 facilitates the production of serotonin and other neurotransmitters that promote sleep. A daily dosage of 50 mg is recommended.


Natural Insomnia Home Remedies - Aromatherapy

Some essential oils have calming and relaxing effects on the body, and they can be used in a warm bath or a foot bath. In addition, you can add the oil to a diffuser in your bedroom, or just sprinkle a few drops on to your pillow.

Here are some sleep-inducing essential oils:

  • Marjoram
  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • Valerian
  • Neroli
  • Hops
  • Clary-sage


Natural Insomnia Home Remedies - Homeopathy

There are quite a few homeopathic remedies that are effective in treating insomnia. Choose a remedy that most closely matches your symptoms. Continue taking the remedy until there is an improvement. Once you notice an improvement, stop taking the remedy. It is advisable to consult with a holistic practitioner regarding dosage.

  • Aconitum apellus: This remedy is indicated when a person has great fear, anxiety and agitation which usually appear suddenly when the person is drifting off to sleep. These feelings of fear and restlessness may wake the person up.
  • Arsenicum album: People who need this remedy tend to be perfectionists and are often anxious about small details. They have trouble sleeping if they feel that everything is not in place. They are often deeply weary and exhausted, yet feel restless physically and mentally.
  • Cocculus: This remedy is for those who cannot sleep after staying up too long. As a result, they tend to feel weak and dizzy, and are irritable and sleepy.
  • Coffea cruda: This remedy is specifically for those who cannot sleep because of mental excitement and over-stimulation.
  • Ignatia: This remedy is indicated for those whose insomnia is caused by emotional upset (grief or loss, a disappointment in love, a shock, or even an argument).
  • Kali phosphoricum: This remedy is for insomnia from nervous exhaustion caused by overwork or mental strain. The person is very sensitive, and tends to be depressed.
  • Nux vomica: This remedy is for people who have insomnia after indulging in rich, spicy food or alcohol. The insomnia may also be the result of overwork. People needing this remedy are usually irritable and impatient, and are sensitive to light, noise, and other stimuli.
  • Sulphur: This remedy is for people with insomnia that is caused by itching at night, or from feeling too hot. The person is irritable and anxious, and often feels a need to throw the covers off.


Balch and Stengler, Prescription for Natural Cures, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004).
Keville and Korn, Herbs for Health and Healing. (Rodale, 1996).
Worwood, V.A. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. (New World Library, 1991). (

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